mardi 11 mai 2010

Nouveau blog, nouvelle formule

Ce blog est mort, vive ce blog! Toutes fois, si vous êtes arrivez ici vous serez certainement intéressés de savoir que j'ai crée un nouveau blog avec une thématique toujours aussi proche de celle traitée ici mais avec une formule légèrement différente.

Comme je l'ai expliqué sur la page A propos de ce nouveau blog, il traitera spécialement de sujets liés aux Startups, à l'entrepreunariat et au Web. Geekspiration, qui est le titre donc de ce nouveau blog, est propulsée par Wordpress et hébergé par OVH. Je tente donc une approche plus professionnelle en investissant sur un nom de domaine et en tentant de faire un petit chemin dans cette nouvelle thématique.

Je vous invite donc à découvrir, sans plus tarder, ce nouveau blog (en anglais) ICI.

jeudi 4 février 2010

Let's buzz the #zzenglishoral hashcode !

Next Tuesday (09/02/2010), I will be giving a talk about Twitter, with my coworker Joan. This presentation will be held at ISIMA during the english lesson. The purpose of this talk ? 100% academic. But that's not why I'm writing this blog post, isn't it ? I'm writing it, because I need everyone of YOU, to help us create a microshort-buzz around the hashcode we have defined for this talk : #zzenglishoral, on Twitter of course!

For those of you who don't know what is Twitter yet, you can check these 2 tutorials from Scott Hanselman.

Now for those of you who know Twitter, all I'm asking is a little participation from you. You can help us by :

  • Giving advices about presenting Twitter (Tips, ideas of scenarios that we can use to show the real time benefit of Twitter etc.)
  • ReTweeting Tweets that are #zzenglishoral hashtagged.
  • Giving your thoughts about Twitter, and why you find it so useful.
  • Saying Hi to the audience (They will appreciate it !).
  • Wishing us good luck for the presentation.
  • Saying what you want, as long as it's tagged #zzenglishoral.
Our goal here, is to demonstrate how powerful Twitter is for real time events and communication. The floor needs to be amazed, and convinced that Twitter isn't' just a tool for telling the world that you are drinking your coffee, or reading your newspaper but a service that lets you talk to the whole world in real time for specific/important/value added/ needs.

We are basically open for any suggestions concerning this talk, and we really want it to be interactive, so buzz it up Twiples !

Before I let you go, I just want to remind you that the talk will be held next Tuesday (09/02/2010) between 3:30 PM and 5:30 PM (It'll last for 20mins but we don't know yet when it'll really start, we'll tweet about it for sure!). You should buzz it, before and during the presentation (if you can!).

That's it folks and thank you so much for your help !